We have fielded hundreds of emails from people claiming to know the halacha, and we have replied to each of them successfully backing up our position with the correct halacha. So, we invite you to submit your comment below with your halachic reasoning as to why you think the Shabbos App is not ok, we’ll answer you back with sources in Halacha that are irrefutable.
That’s why Baruch HaShem, we have been able to open many people’s eyes to the true halacha after they email us. So, come on, give us your argument and then watch as your perception of the halacha crumbles before your – and everyone else who is reading this posts eyes.
Im yitz HaShem the true halacha will be clear to all those who are smart enough to think for themselves and open their eyes to the truth.
Though I do understand the need to create a forum for those who will be MECHALEL SHABBOS to use their phones in a permissible way, I do not think the hype and broadcasting lend much to orthodox Judaism (nor the let’s see who’s right attitude
Would we encourage all of Orthodoxy to watch TV on a timer? Sure there are those who did and will…. but let’s keep it to the Yechidim please. If the motive was altruistic, the tool would be given to rabbanim to use as necessary without the facebook following, don’t you think?
First, this forum is for frum people who want to use their phone on Shabbos b’heter. Not, chas v’sholom for people for want to be mechalel Shabbos!
Why is your kids watching Curious George on TV on Shabbos any different than you reading them Curious George from a book? The only difference is who is providing the voice and turning the pages, Logically if you think about it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with watching TV on Shabbos, as long as what you are watching you would anyhow see on Shabbos.
The motive is altruistic, we don’t need need rabbis deciding if something is assur for one person but not for another. Either something is mutar or it’s assur. There is one Torah for all Yidden.
Your missing the point, the phone IS muktza- just because there is an illegal use for your smartphone on shabbos didn’t make it mutar to use. You guys are so off its ridiculous, I don’t even know what you people were thinking trying to make an app to use your smartphone. Your logic behind the app is wrong and misunderstood, a person cannot do whatever he wants just because he’s doing it with a shenui, with that logic a person would be able to drive with her left foot on shabbos, or start a fire differently than a person would during the would. Not to mention your point that halacha is not per each individual it’s one torah for all, what about your “heter” of shinui it’s depends on the way of a persons individual life??
Actually, that’s the only thing that would be muttar. IF the thing was muttar to use/do, it wouldn’t be a kli shemelachto leissur anymore. Although it may be muktzah machmas chesron kis. But anyways this is all narishkeit, because even if it was all muttar, which its not, at all, you would still be michallel the kedusha of the essence of Shabbos. These people are just phone addicts themselves, assumedly.
The opinion that w=one would be “michallel the kedusha of the essence of Shabbos” is a personal choice without any factual halachic backing. How many people do you know who don’t use shabbos clocks? Do you know that Rav Moshe Feinstein assured them on the exact basis you are claiming?